25 março 2010
24 março 2010
03 março 2010
Não é novo mas vale a pena relembrar
The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.
The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis.
The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.
For more on my broader thesis work exploring the use of new media to make sense of a increasingly complex world, visit jonathanjarvis.com.
Support the project and buy a T-Shirt! cafepress.com/crisisofcredit
© Copyright 2009 Jonathan Jarvis
Etiquetas: direita, economia, estupidez, política, roubo, sociedade
02 março 2010
Um insulto também pode ser genial
De bola não percebes nada,
volta pr'ó banco, cotonete!
Alvíssaras a quem identificar o insultado.
Etiquetas: futebol, humor, media, não resisti